Nervous About Your Root Canal? Facts to Help Ease Your Mind

Nervous About Your Root Canal? Facts to Help Ease Your Mind

You need a root canal. Does that idea make you feel anxious or afraid? Many people have anxiety about root canals. However, when you know all the facts about this helpful restorative dental procedure, you’ll understand that a root canal is designed to help you, protect your dental health, and keep you from feeling toothache pain.

At Compassionate Endodontists New York/NYC, our team provides expert root canal treatment to new and existing patients from our state-of-the-art offices in New York City, New York. Do you know all the ways a root canal can help to save your teeth?

When you need a root canal

The interior of your tooth’s roots contain pulp and soft tissue. Dental roots extend down into your jaw bone, keeping your teeth anchored firmly in place. Due to damage or decay, the nerve inside your tooth, located in the root canal, can become unhealthy.

Swelling and potential infection in the pulp of your tooth pose serious problems for your dental health and wellness. You can start to suffer from toothache pain, as well as increased sensitivity to temperature and pressure changes. Left untreated, an infection in your tooth could lead to an abscess or even tooth loss.

In order to prevent these complications and protect your dental health for the long term, we use the root canal procedure to treat and save at-risk teeth. Far from being a dangerous or scary procedure, a root canal is an easy, painless way to save you from pain and health risks down the road.

Painless root canal treatment

A tooth that needs a root canal can become very painful. But a root canal procedure isn’t painful at all because we use an anesthetic, and, after your procedure, your symptoms of toothache pain are resolved. Root canals are a way of reducing oral pain, not causing it.

During the procedure, the team at Compassionate Endodontists New York/NYC creates an opening in your tooth to remove inflamed pulp and the affected nerve. We clean out any remaining infection, then fill the tooth with medicated material.

You may need a crown or filling to finish off your root canal and re-seal your tooth. Some patients need two office visits to fully complete a root canal procedure. The team at Compassionate Endodontics takes as much time as needed to give you the best possible dental restoration.

Root canal support

At Compassionate Endodontists New York/NYC, your comfort is our priority. Talk to us about any anxiety or other concerns around a needed root canal. With our team of endodontics experts, you can rest assured of receiving the best possible restorative dentistry treatment, maintaining your dental health for years to come. 

We offer free follow-up visits for as long as two years, so you can count on continuing support.

You won’t feel toothache pain after a root canal is completed, but it’s important to continue caring for a post-root-canal tooth with your regular good oral hygiene routine, brushing and flossing daily. You won’t need to do anything else special for a post-root-canal tooth.

If you have concerns about a root canal, or think you might need a root canal, contact the team at Compassionate Endodontists New York/NYC today and schedule your appointment online or over the phone now.

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