Signs Your Gums Aren't As Healthy As You Thought

Signs Your Gums Aren't As Healthy As You Thought

Nearly half of American adults have some degree of gum disease, a chronic condition that increases the risk of deep infections and tooth loss. But gum disease isn’t the only issue that can affect gum health. Learning to recognize the signs and symptoms of gum problems can help you get the most appropriate care as soon as possible.

At Compassionate Endodontists New York/NYC, our team is skilled in diagnosing the cause of gum symptoms, using advanced techniques to treat gum issues associated with deep infections of abscesses. Here, learn to recognize the subtle and not-so-subtle signs of disease and infection so you can take steps to prevent more serious complications. 

Gum swelling

Healthy gums are pinkish and firm. If they’re swollen and tender, it’s a sure sign there’s a problem. Like other gum symptoms, gum swelling can have different causes that require different types of treatment to correct. 

Gum disease is a leading cause of swollen gums, occurring as a result of inflammation below the gum surface. Having something stuck between your teeth or jammed under your gum can cause swelling, too.

Interestingly, some gum swelling doesn’t originate with your gum tissue — instead, it’s caused by an infection or abscess deep within your tooth pulp. Our team typically corrects this type of damage with a root canal to eliminate the infected material and relieve the swelling it causes.

Bleeding gums

Gum bleeding is a relatively well-known sign of gum disease, but again, there can be other causes, too. Some gum bleeding can be associated with deep infections or abscesses affecting your gums or your teeth. 

Less commonly, bleeding gums can be a sign of oral cancer. If you see blood in your sink on a regular basis after brushing and flossing, it’s imperative to schedule an evaluation right away so we can determine the cause.

Bad breath

Most everyone has bad breath from time to time, typically due to poor brushing habits or from eating foods like onions, garlic, or coffee. Improving your oral hygiene habits is usually the best remedy for these problems.

But if you have recurrent or chronic bad breath, it could be a sign of an underlying problem with your teeth or your gums. Gum disease involves infection by bacteria that release foul gasses as they multiply. Those gasses are released when you breathe and speak, leading to chronic bad breath.

Untreated tooth decay is another potential cause of bad breath. Like gum disease, tooth infections are associated with germs that release smelly gasses. As the tooth material rots and decays, it releases foul odors.

Receding gums

Gum recession is a hallmark of more advanced stages of gum disease. Recession happens when bacteria irritate gum tissue, causing it to pull away from the tooth surface. 

As the bacteria move down the surfaces of your teeth, irritation causes your gums to recede further. Tooth grinding and clenching habits and brushing too aggressively can also irritate gums and cause recession.

If you have gum recession, our team can refer you to a dentist or periodontist who specializes in gum disease treatment.

Keeping an eye on gum health

Healthy gums are essential for your oral health. If you notice any unusual gum-related symptoms, our team is ready to perform an evaluation to ensure you receive the best care as quickly as possible.

To earn more, call 929-229-0255 or book an appointment online at Compassionate Endodontists New York/NYC in New York City today.

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